
Saturday, July 11, 2015

Breathe Easy, Not Ugly!

When I was first prescribed supplemental oxygen my home health care sent me some very large, very ugly oxygen cannulas. At the age of 23 I was pretty disappointed to wear these very obvious cannulas in public; while yes adequate oxygen flow is the most important factor here, receiving adequate oxygen while looking fabulous isn't a bad thing! I took to Google to view photos of different makes and models but came up empty handed, especially for patients of a young age. All I seem to find were staged hospital stock photos, or 90 year olds learning how to use an oxygen tank for the first time. Neither of these situations were helpful in my case, so I decided to purchase multiple brands of cannulas to find out which one looked the best on a young persons face. All of my cannulas were purchased off as they have the best prices on single oxygen cannulas, plus a very large selection!
After purchasing many cannulas and finding which were the most aesthetically pleasing, I decided I couldn't be the only person in their twenties who has faced this dilemma! Hence this video was born! It turns out there are many makes, models, and brands of cannulas that all look, feel, and sit differently on a the users face. I reviewed just a few of my favorites to show you all what the different types of cannulas look like. Please remember this video reviews the cannulas on an aesthetic basis only, and not on functionality, quality, of efficiency. 

The cannulas I review in order are the:

Salter Labs Nasal Cannula Micro
Salter Labs Nasal O2 Cannula
WestMed Comfort Soft Plus Adult Cannula
AirLife Nasal Oxygen Cannula
Hudson RCI Nasal Cannula with Star Lumen
AirLife Mini Cushion Nasal Cannula
(All cannulas were non-flared tips)

This smaller window will give you the best quality video.


  1. Nice video. I think the one that had that funny angle looks like cat whiskers. So if you are dressing up for a fancy baller for Halloween or just wanted to be really cute to get a headband with little tiny ears. that Cannula with the funny angle and you'd be all set.

  2. Hey chickadee :) OMG, you are so adorable. Lol. Last night I was showing my husband your blog. After that I crashed ( did way to much stuff yesterday ). So when I looked at my phone this morning you were the first thing that popped up! !

  3. Your video was super informative, and ground breaking for women. Let's face it, no pun intended, we want to look good. I don't care who you are, it's just a fact !!! I had no idea that there were so many options. You are truly gonna help save alot of headaches and time for alot of women. You look fantastic, and did a great job! Of yeah, and your hair and makeup were on point :) I'm a hairstylist, so I can't lie. Lol.

    1. Thank you Kristen! You are too sweet! I had a ton of fun making this video! :)

  4. Good evening from North Carolina. I came across your your blog by way of a Yahoo article on Facebook.

    As a combat wounded Soldier of the Iraq war and Army retiree I know some pretty resilient people. But I just wanted to say that your resilience is absolutely amazing, deeply respected, and greatly admired.

    I know what your dealing with may not have the so called glitz and glamour of other challenges people face. But the grit and determination you have to fight for your small victories is worth of all the attention it deserves.

    Fight your battles with passion and without regrets. And remember that moments of weakness are still a strength all their own. I believe that.

    I look forward to seeing you defy the odds whenever possible. :-) -Joe

    1. Joe, your comment left me completely speechless! Wow! You have no idea how much your words have meant to me. Thank you so much for taking the time to write me, but thank you especially for your service to this country!

  5. Hi...hello there.

    This is very cute informative video. The first ever video reviewing about the breathing/anaesthetic tube! ^^,

    Anyway...I came accross an article of yahoo which brought me here.

    Wishing you all the way from Malaysia....
    A strong will/heart to go through all that you are experiencing right now!

    We may not know what the future will bring but I pray that can overcome this disease and be healthy again.

    A shootout for your husband too!

    All the best. ��

    p/s: I prefer the first tube if I need it one day. ��

    1. Thank you for watching Salwa! You are so sweet! Have a lovely day!

  6. Hi I am from Pakistan. I read an article about you on Yahoo. I just want to tell you that you are an amazing person and someone to look up to. With such such a drastic change in your life, you are accepting the situation and moving on with bravery and courage. I pray for your health that the things may get better for you. Your article made me realize that i am one of the most ungrateful human beings on earth. I do get worried on my minor health problems which are nothing as compared to what you are facing. Your supportive husband is a gem. May God bestow his blessings on your to give you more strength and courage. Stay Blessed.

  7. I read about you on Google and just had to come over here and visit your blog! I also have an autoimmune disease (Crohns Disease) and live with a "broken body." Love the way you are able to express through your writings what it is truly like to live with a disease. I look forward to more posts!

  8. Hi Chanel, I saw your story on Yahoo and I was very touched. You truly are an inspiration and we need more people like you on this planet. Anyways, I was reading about scleroderma and you probably already know this but I would still like to share an article since it is very recent, that there might be cure to scleroderma. May god bless you and give you strength and courage to fight the disease.

  9. Hi Chanel, You are a great woman. By telling your situation you gave an eye opener that it's not possible for everyone to use the sickness as a weapon to become a star as the circumstances and level of illness varies. Anyways, to take this discussion away from your current situation let's talk about the possibilities which may help you to improve. I am from India (please don't judge me) and our thousands of year old 'Vedas' (Indian Scripture) has introduced all the technology (e.g. rockets, spaceship etc. etc.) which scientists are working on today. These Vedas have answer for everything, but a few people are left in the world to interpret and implement that in life. We have a very famous name in India 'Baba Ram Dev' (not a religious guru). I am sure he can guide you through to live a better life less painful. Try to get an appointment with him instead of his advisers. These treatments take time but definitely help. So many people are cured of life threatening disease worst then yours. Please please please at least try it once.

  10. Hi Chanel, everybody lives in this world for sometime and pass away. Its a fact. But to live for sometime and majorly inspire people so that even if 1 unknown person remembers and looks up on you, your life becomes worth living. You, my dear Chanel, are inspiring people around the globe. In my eyes, your problem may have come to you as a disease but you have successfully converted it to a weapon of choice of not letting it slow you down but make a lighthouse of yourself for others.
    God is with you and your lovely husband Noel. Also our humble prayers for you. You are included in my prayer list from today onwards and will be visiting your blog regularly for updates.
    Please keep up your spirit and do what best suits you to make both your lives less "unglamorous" and let God work His will in our lives. God bless both of you.
    Lots of love and continued prayer in the name of Jesus.

    1. The Lord is certainly using this disease to refine me spiritually, and for that I am grateful! I see the beauty that this devastation has brought all around me. Thank you for your uplifting words! Have a lovely day!

    2. Just re-visited you to check upon you. I'm glad you replied me :)
      - Rinee

  11. Hello Chanel this is Mihir form India. I just read about you on Yahoo and I WOW you are such an amazing individual. Hats off to you for showing this spirit and positivity. We do need people like you in this world... :) And to say the truth I feel so grateful to have come across your blog... It has inspired me in such a great way... I'd like to Thank You for writing this blog and wish you all the very best for your life... Also best wishes to Noel, he is a super supportive husband... God Bless you both... You have all my prayers... And just one last line for you, "You are more than an angel so this world"... :)

    1. Hello Mihir,
      Thank you so much for contacting me with your kind words! I will pass along your message to my husband as well. Have a lovely day!

  12. Hello dear , I saw on u and your life on yahoo and I was impressed by his will to live , not as , u can overcome these obstacles , vc is already an example for many people ! We look forward for your victory! Do not give up , insist ! Back never , never surrender !!! Want contact , I know your news even though so far! It is quite okay? Sending you lots of positive energy ! bjs

    1. Hello! Thank you so much for your positive feedback! Your comment brought a smile to my face :) Have a lovely day!

  13. depois que li a sua historia tive outra perspectiva da viva!!!!, as unica coisa que posso te falar agora é que Jeová restaurar sua saúde no novo mundo,

    Segundo a Bíblia, nós adoecemos por causa da primeira rebelião humana contra Deus. (Romanos 5:12) Antes dessa rebelião, Adão e Eva, nossos primeiros pais, tinham saúde perfeita. Eles sabiam que morreriam se perdessem o cuidado amoroso de Deus. (Gênesis 2:16, 17) Mesmo assim, eles rejeitaram propositalmente sua amizade com Deus e perderam a perfeição. *

    Nós herdamos a imperfeição de nossos primeiros pais rebeldes. Por isso, apesar de todos os esforços para acabar com os males da humanidade, nós ainda ficamos doentes."

    mais informações em

  14. Hi Chanel. I took knowledge of its history. I want here in Brazil, leaving you a big hug. And I want to fight ! Believe! Miracles can happen. Great affection for you. Monica

  15. Hello, Chanel. I'm from Rio de Janeiro and have just read your story. And it reminded of my father, who passed away last November, after twelve long years fighting agains Alzheimer's disease. I stayed by his side each single day during all those years and I understand when you say that each day must be lived intensely, taking advantage of what we can.. each second is a miracle that won't happen again. That's our victory, the only one we get... To love and to be loved, now and forever. All my best wishes!!!!

  16. Hello, Chanel . I'm from Sao Paulo, Brazil. Thank you for sharing your story with us. God spoke through his words to me. God bless you.

  17. You are beautiful and strong.

    E.Angelo Milano

  18. hello , I'm from Brazil , my name Raianne . I was touched by your story , you're a warrior . his story serves as an example for many people. God bless you greatly . much peace to your heart .

  19. Jesus can heal you! I do not know what is your belief but if you want to call my pastor! He will pray for you and God will do the miracle! anything please email me
    I am from Campinas-SP

  20. This is a response to some well wishers, and I am posting this with as much kindness that I can muster. I obviously can only speak for myself, but when someone says "people have been cured from worse things than yours" or "just try such and such" etc... these statements can come across as relatively condescending. Well intended, but can actually be hurtful

  21. I would like to treat Chanel White, may be I can do something for her. My web page is this type of cure get very good results in many kind of illness, that's why I am interested in give some hand to her. Someone can inform her?? Thank you very much.


    here is an alternative! I've been looking too, and just found this interesting item! Vivia
