
Wednesday, January 27, 2021

January Update 2021

Not much to update, honestly. That is a great thing though! My health hasn't been declining or improving really - I would say it's just stagnant. My treatments are almost exclusively at home right now due to the pandemic. So, under my physician's supervision, I continue to utilize Lactated Ringers with D5 and IV Zofran 5-6 days a week as well as my Hizentra (IVIG) subcutaneous at home once a week. 

The Hizentra has been going well. I am not a fan of the subq infusions, they simply are uncomfortable. Though, it really doesn't matter as it seems to be working. My immunoglobulin is finally trending in a good direction. I cannot explain how satisfying it is to see such quick, successful results from a treatment! I wanted to put my lab results on the fridge with a little gold star lol My Immunologist is very happy with my results as well and decided I will continue with this treatment at this 10mg dose. I will continue getting monthly labs drawn to asses my IgG levels. The other thing we addressed at our appointment this week was my continually reducing Neutrophil count. I was under the impression that improving my immunoglobulin count would somehow help improve my WBC count. However, apparently, they are not connected at all lol My Immunologist actually wants me to see a Hematologist regarding the poor WBC count - so back to the Hematologist, I go. 

Next week I'll do a haul of blood work with the Hematologist to assess my counts and then see her the following week for results. Other than that I have a bunch of labs to draw for my Rheum who I see later this month. A pretty quiet month in my world ;)

