During the infusion I made sure to suck on some lemon drops which I heard can help nausea during chemo! I also kept myself busy with a nice big coloring book, and the company of my Mother and best friend! The side effects of the Cytoxan really didn't hit me until about 6 hours after the infusion. That night I suddenly become completely exhausted, as in 'could barley make it from the couch to the bed' exhausted. A small headache had begun, and a bit of a spinning sensation began to take hold. I quickly dosed up on some Zofran which is an anti-nausea med. Luckily this kept my vomiting at bay! There were definitely some nights where I woke up dry heaving over the side of my bed, but no serious vomiting took place. For the most part the few days after chemo were mostly filled with sleepiness, nausea, a slight headache, and some hives/itchiness. I laid on the couch and binged watch Netflix for a full 72 hours! haha Once I hit the fourth day I started feeling like myself again which was great!

Since the infusion things have been pretty quiet. I have been taking it very easy, and being sure to wear a mask if I leave the house. I will have to head up to the hospital at the end of this week to take some blood panels and see "officially" how my body reacted to the medication. In the mean time I will continue to take it easy and probably stay at home for a few more days. One thing with Cytoxan is that you have to be filled with a ton of fluids for the first few days! They ask you to drink at least 3 liters of water a day to make sure you are flushing the chemicals out of your bladder adequately. Luckily this isn't too hard for me since I can pump water though my feeding tube all day! (Tubie win!) The only problem is that you have to pee constantly, and since you have a dangerous chemical passing through your bladder you are not aloud to hold it! So if I have to pee everyone better clear the way! lol
Speaking of my feeding tube, the balloon that holds it into my stomach popped this morning! The tube was just kind of falling out of my stoma which was causing some pain. Luckily I had an extra tube at home as I had recently scheduled an appointment to see my doc this upcoming week to change out the tube. Unfortunately it wasn't going to last that long so I had a choice to make: 1. Wait hours in the ER for a doctor to do it OR 2. Do it myself at home. (Yes, people do this all the time.)
I decided to go ahead and just do it at home in the end which was quite an adventure! I created a sterile area, put on some gloves and pulled the tube out of my stomach. Since the balloon was deflated it just kind of slid right out of the hole. It was a pretty odd thing to do to yourself I am not going to lie! lol Next came placing the new tube which was even weirder! I lubed up the tube and placed it into my stoma, filled the balloon and TADA! My new tube was in place. I was seriously so proud of myself! I'm not sure why it freaked me out so much in theory because it was actually super easy and painless! So now I have a shiny new tube and don't have to drive three cities away to see my doc for 15 minutes! Woop!
I even got to enjoy my Halloween! Mask, oxygen, feeding tube, tons of equipment and all. I was the "Diet" Kool-Aid Man. OH YEAH! Halloween is one of my favorite holidays because I absolutely adore making costumes! It can be tricky having medical devices though because everyone just assumes they are part of a costume. It makes for some really awkward conversations having to explaining that you are actually just really ill! lol We stopped by a Krispy Kreme Doughnut shop on Halloween because we passed one and Noel thought it looked yummy. The host asked us what type of free doughnut we wanted, and Noel and I were both like "Wow, everyone gets a free doughnut on Halloween!?" And the poor guy behind the counter goes "Yeah, anyone in a costume gets a free doughnut!" ....I was not wearing my costume. Like I said, awkward! lol But hey, I'll still take the free doughnut! ;)
Ha ha haaaaaa, you crack me up Chanel !! Anything for a Krispy Kreme. LOL. I know earlier said that sometimes you'll do a chew and spit. Idk if that's humanly possible with a Krispy Kreme. The spitting part anyways !! Anyhow, I was just gonna give you a shout saying that I hoped you were doing okay with your Cytoxan and was stoked to see your happy post :) I'm happy for ya that you're doing so well, and you look FANTASTIC !!! ..... and Zofran really does the trick! My meds make me sick sometimes so I definitely know. Glad you had a Happy Halloween!! xoxo
ReplyDeletehahaha thanks girl! I totally chewed it up and spit it out! ...it was for sure tough ;)
DeleteHa ha ha!!! Lol lol
DeleteEres una guerrera hermosa, sigue luchano!
ReplyDeleteLol. That is great will power! I'm not sure I could have spit it out. Good to read you are doing as well as you are with your infusions of cytoxan. I feel fortunate to have had the pill form after reading what you have been going through. Keep us posted. God Bless! Your Sclero friend from the North.