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Round 2 of 12 |
Last week I had two appointments, one with my Autonomic Nervous System Specialist (Neurologist), and one was with my Gastroenterologist. The appointment with my ANS Physician was to review the results of my Tilt Table Test. In one of my last posts I had expressed that the results showed I had a form of Dysautonomia called POTS. (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) While this information was accurate, my specialist informed me that my results actually indicated that I have a specific form of POTS known as Hyperadrenergic POTS. This is an uncommon form in which the body does not correctly regulate blood norepinephrine levels, leaving them extremely high. Norepinephrine is also known as "the stress hormone;" it is the bods y'"fight" response hallmarked by a thudding heart beat, tachycardia, heavy breathing, increased sweating, and a state of anxiety. Essentially with too high levels of this hormone, you are an adrenaline pumped mess at all times, leaving your body in tremors until you lose consciousness from sheer overload. It is pretty miserable. I imagine it's what the Hulk feels like! lol ;) Good news is, it is highly treatable with medications that block norepinephrine. My doctor placed me on a drug called Propranolol which has already successfully lowered my resting heart rate (yes I said resting!) from 110bpm to 78bpm! I cannot tell you how good it feels to not have my heart exploding out of my chest! The other useful treatment is the use of salt tabs and saline, which we began when we first suspected POTS many months ago. My Saline infusions will be upped from once a week, to twice a week since we now have a firm diagnosis. Even more exciting though is that these saline infusions will now be at home! Due to some confusion between the ordering physician and the local hospital I receive my fluids at I was able to secure a prescription for home infusions instead of trekking to the hospital twice a week on top of all my other appointments. This means a nurse will come to my house twice a week to access my port and run fluids from the comfort of my own couch. Awesome right!?
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So many tubes! Mmmm Saline! |
In all seriousness though, I am very happy with my digestive tract right now. It has been so nice to me lately I have even been able to have some small holiday snacks like Hot Cocoa without a violent reaction! (Give it sometimes it doesn't go well, but I have had a few successful cups!) Hopefully this will continue through the Christmas season!
First off, congratulations ongetting some relief from your tummy :) How awesome to drink some hot coco. It's been a long time it sounds like. I hope you're able to enjoy the holidays. You can only do so much at one time. Those of us that like to follow your blog are also pretty overwhelmed this time of year in our own way. Sorry to hear about that huge mess up with your bladder medication. If we don't hear from you till next year. Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas :)